Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Digitized Home Movie Archive Update

Great news! Brenda read my blog! Woo-hoo! My blog rocks!!!

Even better news: She told me where my external hard drive is! (I've been sitting on it all afternoon.)

Bad news: The movies of our wedding are not on it. (They evidently weren't among the recoverable files.)

Good news: I found a VCD copy of our wedding movies that I made years ago, and I was able to cut the clip of Angie out of one of the VCD .dat files. (Am I a geek, or what?)

Potentially great news: While searching for the external hard drive I hit the motherlode...about 3,200 feet of 8mm film. The three 50-foot reels from our wedding appear to be there.

An interesting twist: Several years ago I had Home Movie Depot digitize a few of my 8mm films. They did a great job! I just checked their website and found that they are running a special until midnight CST Thursday: For $199 they will digitize whatever you can fit into a UPS / FedEx / USPS Express box (up to 18x13x3), limit of 20 video tapes, limit of 500 images (photos, negatives, slides), no limit on movie film.

They digitize video (tapes and film) into DVDs. I'd rather have digital files that I can work with (mpg, wmv). I need to find out what other options they will provide.

I'm going to try to get an idea how many express boxes it would take to send them all the VHS tapes, pictures, and 8mm movie film that I want digitized. If what I have would fill many boxes (and I'm afraid it will), I plan to ask them if I can get a real volume discount. I'd like to do that tomorrow (Wednesday).

Does anyone else want in?


  1. What a BIG baby! I'd like to put our wedding VHS on a dvd. What do I do? I love your video!

  2. When were you born? Our wedding was January 6, 1974. You appear to be less than 6 months old in the video.

  3. Perhaps you should stand up more often.

  4. I think Stef was talking about sitting on your hard drive...:) I was born in Oct.73, so, yep, I was 3 mos. old...like I said, BIG baby!
