Monday, June 8, 2009

First Blog

Until now, I haven't been interested in blogs. However, a niece recently sent me URLs to blogs by her, her sister, and her dad. From those blogs I learned a lot about each of them. (And I was quite impressed!)

In the past, when I wanted to share an email, comic, joke, or random thought, I created a new email and bcc'd everyone that I thought might be interested. It has finally dawned on me that a blog is much simpler. (It also prevents me from annoying people with emails that they don't want, and from omitting people who might have been interested.)

Thank you, Angie (directly) and Stef and Steve (indirectly). I hope my blog helps me to stay better-connected with family and friends.

Yesterday I created a Picasa Web Album, and uploaded snapshots of the places we have lived since moving into our RV. (I even mapped each album and many of the photos!) In order for my web album to be interesting to visitors, I need to eliminate many/most of the snapshots. But, I'd also like for my album to eventually serve as a backup of all my digital photos. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Scott! This is an excellent way do document your adventures. I'm looking forward to checking in on you. Have fun!!!
