Monday, June 8, 2009

Music Festivals

We have attended MerleFest every year since 2002. We've never attended any other music festivals, but here are some we are interested in:

Beaufort County Traditional Music Association - Through October 2009
The Beaufort County Traditional Music Association had their annual festival April 4, 2009, so we've already missed it. But, through October they host a 10:00 am Saturday Morning Jam on the Washington Waterfront. We met guitarist Sid during our stay at Honey Bear Campground.

Eagle Creek Folk Festival - June 20, 2009
My brother, Tom, will be performing (at 4:15 pm) and conducting a workshop (at 6:00 pm). I don't plan to be in Indiana in the next week-and-a-half...but ya never know!

An Appalachian Summer Festival - June 27 through July 25, 2009
Melissa Manchester, Sophie B. Hawkins, Buckwheat Zydeco, Mike Cross, Joan Baez, and Kenny Loggins will be performing...and I'm sure I'd enjoy every one of them. But the show I'd really love to see is
Leahy. This past winter, while we were wintered in southeast Florida, we pulled the house all the way across the state to Tampa for our 4th Leahy concert. Hearing their music is great, but seeing them perform is awesome! Unfortunately for us, they're scheduled at An Appalachian Summer Festival during our district convention.

MusicFest 'n Sugar Grove - July 10-11, 2009
In particular, we'd like to see
Doc Watson (we've seen him at every MerleFest) and the Carolina Chocolate Drops (we've seen them 3 times).

FloydFest - July 23-26, 2009
We've talked about running up to Floyd, Virginia for this world music festival for years, but we've never been. Maybe we'll make it this year.

Old Fiddler's Convention - August 3-8, 2009
I've heard about this festival for over 30 years (I think the Bannister Twins used to go there), and we've lived within a two-hour drive for the past 15 years.

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