Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dead Certain (continuation)

I sobbed -- out loud -- when I got to middle of page 147. As far as I can recall, those were the first real tears I have shed over 9/11. In the next few pages, I broke down two more times.

Right now I am only three pages into chapter 8: Drumbeats.

I'm about as "anti-war" as an apolitical person can possibly be. I have always wondered how the most technologically advanced nation in the world could possibly attack and kill many, many thousands of people (mostly innocent civilians) based on faulty intelligence.

I'm beginning to understand. How. If not why.

I don't think Robert Draper wrote Dead Certain to justify what George W. Bush did. I believe the book was written simply to explain how it happened. (If I am wrong, then I have been sucked in...hook, line, and sinker.)

I detest so many things done during/by the (second) Bush administration, just as I see wrongs committed by virtually any government or institution. But...I have come to love George W. Bush the man.

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